DLA first discussion board

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Msg from Auntie Michele

hello..ppl....since there's quite a high demand for sketchup information. So i think i'll share whatever i have found online with you all about sketchup.

1. download from google.
2. Go to this video tutorial.

3. Get addicted to sketching
4. last but not least, enjoy the fruits of your addiction...:)

ITS GONA BE FUN!!!! Trust me!

Tell me if i'm wrong!!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Welcome to Landscape First Discussion Board

hey people from landscape arch yr1, let the world know how you feel about the course. discuss on anything you want, topics on lecturer or basically anything.... don't worry guys, i'll update the blog to look much better for all of you to see... keep the comments going....